§ 15-1301. PURPOSE.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of the Employment Districts are to:


    Designate adequate land for industrial, office, research and development, and flexible commercial uses to strengthen the city's economic base and provide a range of employment opportunities for the current and future population of the city and region.


    Provide for the appropriate location of businesses that may have the potential to generate off-site impacts, while providing to ensure compatibility in use and form with existing and planned land uses.


    Provide appropriate buffers between employment centers and residential uses.


    Implement and provide appropriate regulations for General Plan classifications of "Office," "Business Park," "Regional Business Park," "Light Industrial," and "Heavy Industrial."

    Additional purposes of each Employment District are as follows:

    O Office. The O district is intended to provide sites for administrative, financial, business, professional, medical, and public offices, as identified by the General Plan. Retail uses would be limited to business services and food service and convenience goods for those who work in the area. This district is intended for locations where the noise or traffic generated by retail sales, restaurants, and service commercial may be incompatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.

    BP Business Park. The BP district is intended to provide a campus-type office professional environment that is well suited for large offices or multi-tenant buildings on sites identified by the General Plan. This district is intended to accommodate and allow for the expansion of small businesses with limited outdoor storage screened with landscaping proximate to residential uses. Typical land uses include research and development, laboratories, administrative and general offices, medical offices and clinics, and professional offices. Small-scale retail and service uses serving local employees and visitors are permitted as secondary uses.

    RBP Regional Business Park. The RBP district is intended for large or campus-like office and technology development that includes office, research and development, manufacturing, and other large-scale, professional uses with limited and properly screened outdoor storage. Permitted uses include incubator-research facilities, prototype manufacturing, testing, repairing, packaging, and printing as well as offices and research facilities, on sites identified by the General Plan. Small-scale retail and service uses serving local employees and visitors are permitted as secondary uses.

    IL Light Industrial. The IL district is intended to provide areas, as identified by the General Plan, for a diverse range of light industrial uses, including limited manufacturing and processing, research and development, fabrication, utility equipment and service yards, wholesaling, warehousing, and distribution activities. Small-scale retail and ancillary office uses are also permitted. Light Industrial areas may serve as buffers between Heavy Industrial Districts and other land uses and otherwise are generally located in areas with good transportation access, such as along railroads and freeways.

    IH Heavy Industrial. The IH district is intended to accommodate the broadest range of industrial uses on sites identified in the General Plan. It includes manufacturing, assembly, wholesaling, distribution, and storage activities that are essential to the development of a balanced economic base. Small-scale commercial services and ancillary office uses are also permitted.

(Added Ord. 2015-39, § 1, eff. 1-9-16).