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  • The administrative Service of the City shall be divided into Unclassified and Classified Service:

    (a) The Unclassified Service shall be comprised of the following officers, employees, and positions:

    (1) The Chief Administrative Officer, his or her deputies, if any, the City Clerk, the City Attorney, his or her deputies, if any, Council Assistants and all management employees serving in a class which contains one or more positions at the division head level and above, including the heads of all departments created by the Council.

    (2) Positions in any class or grade created for special or temporary purposes for a period of not longer than one year within any two consecutive fiscal years;

    (3) Persons employed to render professional, scientific, technical, or expert services of any occasional or exceptional character;

    (4) Part-time employees paid on an hourly or per diem basis .

    (b) The Classified Service shall be comprised of all positions not specifically included in this section in the Unclassified Service.

    (Amendment ratified 1971 General Municipal Election; approved, Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130, filed with Secretary of State on June 18, 1971, Res. Ch. 77, Stat. 1971.)

    (Amendment ratified 1981 Municipal Election, March 3, 1981.)

    (Amendment ratified 1993 General Municipal Election, April 27, 1993.)